Ye know the other day I tried to put in an entry on Wiki for FP and I got denied. I am a sad monkey now because of it. So if any of you are inclined to do so and know the ins and outs on how, please do so and shoot us a link.
I hope everyone had a good Halloween. I spent the evening on the patio reading comics and handing out candy. I loved it. hehe.
Now on to the reviews and news. First bit of news is the lack of PanelCast. Last week being Halloween we decided to take that week off. Though many a Zombie conversations could have been had, but we needed a break. Same with this week. No cast this week folks and we are sorry about that. But there have been plenty of news bits on the site so head on over and check it out!!!!!
So this week I read I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly and put out by Image. I jumped into this comic thinking it would be some what reminiscent of the Shadow of the Colossus/Ico video game series as is implied by the name and boy was I wrong. This series is about a little girl who believes the world is infested with fairies and giants and that they are out to get her and her family. She spends her days DM'ing local D&D games and setting up traps for the giants. The comic takes a nice twist at the end that had me all kinds of pissed at Kelly for invoking emotions of me. He does a great job of foreshadowing the events that are about to come and wraps it all up in a nice little bow. JM Ken Niimura does a great job with the art in that it takes on kind of an anime feel but not really. He keeps it simple and poignant so that when the important images appear they strike a cord and stand out thus showing their impact on the story.
The series is short and sweet and only takes 7 issues to complete. It's out right now and if you have a chance I recommend you pic it up.
Next up is Boom Studio's Irredeemable. This one is written by Mark Waid, with artwork by Peter Krause. This series is the shit. I mean that. It starts off with a superhero, The Plutonian, doing...well....killing the fuck outta folks would be the most simplest way to describe it. I really want to talk more about it but I can't without giving it away. Let's just say he seems to have lost his way and the series seems to plot out how and why and what is being done about it. The writing is superb and the art complements it perfectly. Please please please pick up this series right now and let me know when you have so I have someone to geek out about it with!!!
Northlanders is a series put out by Brian Wood. It's a series that contains multiple different storylines all pertaining to the Viking era. Brian Wood does some of the coolest series out there. Demo, Local, DV8 and my favorite DMZ just to name a few. I love this new series as well. It's something I have had to add to my "must read" list on a monthly basis. The stories are nice and indepth and though they rarely ever focus on the same character(s), he spends enough time with them to make you give a shit. That's whats nice about it. You can pick up any trade and not worry about not getting what's going on or not. Each arc is also drawn by a different artist and all of them seem to know what they are doing with the story and give you just enough to draw you in. Add it to your list too, you won't be disappointed.
Last comic I want to talk about is 28 Days Later. Another series that's put out by Boom! Studios. This one takes place between the 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later movies. It serves to bridge the gap between both. Currently it is only on issue #3 so my review can only be up to that point. Having said that, this series really pisses me off. It's written well enough by Michael Alan Nelson but it's what in the story that angers me.
Basically this group of guerrilla style reporters want to hop into the infected zone to try to report on it. They recruit Selena (the hero from the first movie) to act as a guide through it all. The reporters think that because they have seen war and horror that they are experts walking in and do their best to bring that point up a lot. No one listens to Selena and thus keep getting led into the most retarded situations.
This book angers me in that the characters are all idiots and deserve to die. I am basically reading this book expecting all of them to get turned due to their own incompetence leaving Selena stuck in the same situation she was in during the first movie. Please tell me if that is the case so I can stop reading the comic now. If it isn't than rock on!!
The art is done by Declan Shalvey and is probably the only redeeming part of this series. If you are a fan of the movies and zombies in general than please pick up this book if for anything than to share in my misery.
On to movies!! Well only one movie that I feel like talking about and as it is I don't feel like talking about it to much. So let me just say this, I watched Jennifer's Body this week and am reserving my comments from when I have a chance to read the Graphic Novel that accompanies it.
On to the video game front. I have been playing Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Never heard of it? Don't worry. Neither have I for the most part. I came across it while cruising through Gamefly's new release list. I took a look at the videos and decided to give the game a chance. FUCK THIS GAME. I fucking hate it. I feel bad because every time I load it up I want to toss my PS3 out the window and bury it Office Space style.
This game is basically an FPS done in the style of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare. Except if you take COD, mash it into a ball, shove it up a Rhinos ass, make him puke it out, then rub it all over a leprosy ridden body and teabagged it onto your dead and toothless grandmas forehead then put it in my PS3 then you would have this game. The physics engine sucks, the graphics are glitchy and the controls are retarded. Your POV has no peripherals, there is no active radar or UAV and your squad is filled with a bunch of stupid dipshits that I as a Veteran of the US Army wouldn't take with me to the bathroom much less into combat.
Avoid this game.
Well that is all the ranting that I am ready to give you guys this week. Stop by your local comic store and show them some love and please leave me some comments!!!