Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The time of year.

I awake each morning a peasant amidst a bed of strips of ink soaked parchment and dismissed imagination. I slowly trudge the dreary halls of my dank and decrepit castle filled with piles and piles of wasted manuscript and strewn about keyboards and back issues of dreams. I don the armor of future hope as I contemplate the day that lies ahead of me. To intertwine my thoughts and insipid four color plans with my fellow travelers as we gather to take our dreams and lay the nay sayers to waste. For this is the season were we petty and frowned upon outcasts of society rise above to take our place amongst the Gods of the wicked and painters of the deep dark corners of the mind. We are the ones that do battle this day, we determine the outcome of future wars with Dragons of our creation and Heroes of our tongues. Our fingers change the course of history and timelines upon which you lie your head in peace upon at night. We say yay to the nightmares of elation where creatures and man may walk behind your eyelids, penetrating the manner of which you base your life upon. You inhale our words and breathe our name and sing the praises for those that cause you to smile and hold your head up high during this time of year. We are that which cause your life to have meaning, for your immaculate, plastic wrapped and cardboard backed golden tickets of commerce derive from our blistered and blood soaked hands are but mere shards of our soul and shrapnels of our fragile hearts. I sit amongst those that share my desire, to be that for which you lay hope upon, a Knight in which my ingenuity my weapon, my laptop my shield and my fellow creators my brothers in arms and the Con our round table. Come stand by my side, my friends, as we travel to that for which we ourselves have wished upon to land in the waters of Geekdom and kneel before our Lady of the Lake and she kisses our forehead and blesses our journey.

Welcome to Con Season.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kicking it Kratos style

I spent this week playing God Of War 3. Wow. What an amazing game. They really pulled out all the stops on this one.

Many many many moons ago I started playing God Of War on the ps2. I was immediately impressed with the game-play and cinematics of the game. With an in-depth well thought out story line and perfectly cast voice acting, it was hard to not become engrossed in this game. They took what was basically a button mashing third person action/adventure game and added layers upon layers of style. I beat the game in 2 days.

Soon after saw the release of God Of War 2. I was afraid that it would be found wanting as so many other game sequels such as the Devil May Cry series. Nope. This game took what was already a perfect gaming engine and actually improved on it without losing any of the style or panache of the original. Once again we joined Kratos on his journey to extract revenge on those that would deny him 1 nights sleep without any nightmares. They added better cinematics and more weapons to complete a package that reminded us all why we loved the first game. It was a perfect companion. I beat the game in 3 days.

This week saw the release of God Of War 3. This would be the finale of the series and promised to take advantage of all the hardware improvements found in the PS3. Holy crap they weren't kidding. This game is EPIC.

The first thing you notice is the graphics. Crisp, clean, sharp, detailed images flood the screen it 1080p/bluray glory. I found myself just staring at the screen and noticing the in-depth detail that they lavished on this game.

The gameplay was just as fluid as ever. With the seemles integration of the QTE's and game-play there is never a dull moment.

Voice acting, wow. Staring the likes of TC Carson, Rip Torn, Kevin Sorbo and Malcolm Mcdonald, they really managed to pull out all of the stops with this. Rip Torns character of Hephaestus was my favorite.

Storyline..well they really brought it this time. You felt like you were right there with Kratos, sharing his emotions and will to fight.

Hands down this game has to be one of the best that I have ever played. It reminded me as to why I choose the PS3 over the 360. It was a perfect ending to the series and I for one will be sad to know that there will not be another in the series.

If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and pick up this game. You will not regret it I promise.

BTW, this one took me 4 days to beat hehe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Panelcast

PanelCast #50

Monday, March 15, 2010

A letter to Tom Hanks

Dear Tom Hanks,

Fuck You.

Please understand that I mean this as the most sincerest form of flattery humanly possible. And if you believe that, keep reading.

Band of Brothers still remains, in my opinion, one of the best TV Mini-Series ever made. It's storyline, cinematography, settings, and deep characterizations remain one of the most spectacular forms of film making ever. The way you took what was essentially a group of under appreciated and little know cast members and placed them in a heart wrenching story and made us fall in love with them is without equal. Yes I know you were just the executive producer and as such did not cast, write, or create the story, you still chose to back it up with your drive and desire and bring it to light. Kudos to you sir.

I have followed your career since Busom Buddies and Bachelor Party and have marveled and the growth and maturity to which your career has reached. You went from a funny, comedic player to one of the biggest heavy hitters in Hollywood. You have chosen to rise from your smalled status and use your abilities to bring amazing and high quality films to screen and I applaud you for that.

Now having said that, I have grown to learn that when it come to War Films to expect a higher caliber of film making from you. I know when I sit down that I need to turn down the lights, grab a box of tissue, crank up the surround sound, and absorb every minute of cinema coming out.

On March 14th I sat down and watched The Pacific, your newest executively produced series. Having previously experienced Band Of Brothers, I was fully aware of what I was getting into. And sure enough, the show did not disappoint. You were able to use the same feel as Band Of Brothers and put forth something that I know will tug on the same heartstrings and you have done before.

And for that, for the plain and simple fact that you make me feel emotion in a show. That I must once again invest myself into another of your War Time shows has me coming back to my originial statement. Fuck You. And thank you at the same time.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


That's right everyone our first comic book Z.K.S. #0 is finally out!!!

Does this explain where I have been and why I haven't posted in awhile lol.

Well let's see what's been going on.

Finally started reading Fables. Wow what an awesome comic book. That is up until the Great Fables crossover that is.

Fables is a comic about fairy tale characters having been outted of their fairy tale lands and having to exist in the real "mundane" world. It's an awesome series and if you have a chance you should pick it up.

Movies....wholy crap have I seen some movies lol. I don't even know where to start. Let's start with the latest movie I saw. That would be Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Which in my opinion was a kids version of Clash Of The Titans. Pretty good story and effects and I would recommend it. The only really problem I had was the fact that all the kids were played by 20-30 year olds. Meh oh well.

You know I could go on for hours about all the stuff I have been up to in the past few months but honestly you could probably just listen to our podcast PanelCast to catch up on what's going on and what we've seen. I swear I will keep up with this more often.

Come out and see us at Rose Bowl Comics and Collectors Show every second sunday of the month!!!